Combine your Relationship and Portfolio Intelligence
Our Affinity integration enables Venture Capital investors to discover influential connections and hidden insights, expediting their portfolios to success.
Uncover relationship connections within your portfolio
Automate the matching of contacts and companies between both tools, instantly providing valuable insights into your network. Be in control of what data is exchanged and when, and focus on what matters most: optimizing your portfolio and identifying new investment opportunities.
Drive Better Investment Decisions by Connecting with the Right People
In Vestberry, enriched stakeholder information with Affinity’s relationship intelligence creates a powerful overview of the most prominent stakeholders across all your portfolio companies. Finding the right person to discuss secondaries, explore co-investment opportunities or share plans has never been easier.
Leverage new insights to elevate your portfolio performance
Infuse your relationship intelligence with your portfolio data to unlock a holistic perspective of your investments, uncovering valuable context and fresh insights. Real-time updates about your portfolio companies will help you prioritize where to focus your attention and ultimately drive the success of your investments.